
Archive for February, 2016

Peter Martin x2 And Paul Clough

February 25, 2016 4 comments

I recall two fine men named Peter Martin in my life. The first one to turn up made a very good job of decorating part of our home in Workington circa 1963. He has fairly recently popped up on Ushaw Moor Facebook, in response to my articles, and that is thanks to the power of Paul Clough and his brilliant website.

As far as I know Paul is no relation to Brian Clough but had he been then I may well have opened my purse to purchase the very best wine for young Paul.

The second Peter Martin was discovered in inner London circa 1974 and I worked very closely with him at the DHSS in a very ‘exciting environment’.

If the second Peter Martin crops up on this site then I am very likely to supply Peter Martin, Peter Martin and Paul Clough with the finest wine that I can afford.


Categories: Memories

‘WB’ And His Better Half Visiting Ushaw Moor On 27/02/2016

February 19, 2016 4 comments

More precisely we will be ‘up north’ spending much of the evening in  Ushaw Moor Catholic Club, if they will have us.

A few good pints and one or two winks and nods from people from our dusty but not dim past would be a grand treat.

I realise that there is only a 50/50 chance of entertainment, bingo and what not that night. Still, if you are feeling lucky…..


Categories: Memories

A Boost To Ushaw Moor’s WW2 Economy

February 19, 2016 Leave a comment

During the Second World War a significant number of  Lancashire Fusiliers were stationed in and around Ushaw Moor and I can only speculate that the village tradesmen got a financial boost because of that. Haircuts, chocolate, cigarettes [especially Woodbines and Capstan?], birth control devices, beer, and landladies come to mind. Have any of our long established villagers any memories of a village full of Fusiliers?

Perhaps the story of Norman Prior might be of some interest. Just google:

Norman Prior the Lancashire Fusiliers

and up comes an interesting piece.


Categories: Memories

Let’s Call Her Doris

February 12, 2016 Leave a comment

I have nothing against the two-liners on Ushaw Moor’s Facebook page. They often trigger bits and pieces from long lost friends and I imagine they bring some friendly warmth into an otherwise cold and dark northern winter. That said I would like to see some offerings of a more reflective nature. Doris might well have lived in Dale Street but was she happy and did she achieve her potential?  Was Doris aware of her potential? Perhaps she can tell us. We are a friendly audience.

Doris did not need to have a large vocabulary, or be whizz at advanced maths, to be a happy and  wonderful human being. But education is enabling for our potential and used wisely it can enhance not only ourselves but also the people we meet and the communities we live in. So Doris, how was it for you?

You must surely agree that as individuals we should should try to play all the right notes and play them in the right order, rather than live a largely unplanned life. I tried and often failed. I did play some right notes, but seldom in the right order!

While we wait for Doris and her friends Dennis, Frank, Peter, Mike and Chelsea to enhance and massage their two-liners let me tell you how my potential was almost ruined before I left school.

Much at Ushaw Moor County and Modern was not right for the likes of me. At the time I was probably one of those borderline GCE pupils. Mr Hill showed no interest in my approach to technical drawing, and I mean no interest, even though he was charged to do so. Mr Forster thought I could reach county standard at cricket but was powerless to help with my woodwork lessons; in his case I can sympathize. Neither school guided me regarding how to treat girls and women. Neither did they encourage ambition or attempt to inspire me. At the modern school our so called science lessons were ridiculous. My parents seemed powerless and largely silent during a very vital time for me.

To be fair Mr Barlow was a bit of a saving grace and he helped me to achieve a well above average grasp of numeracy. He was as near as I got to having a role model.

People I especially admire are those that start with few or no advantages and yet achieve much by their own efforts and foresight. For many years I  was not one of them and in the end I can largely blame myself for that.

Now Doris, please start the ball rolling.


Categories: Memories